
Showing posts from August, 2014

It's time already

(Sorry for the political/religious slant this post takes... I've been trying to stay focused on technology, but sometimes events are simply too large to ignore...) The execution of John Foley is just the latest.  But for me, its the straw that broke the camel's back.  Over the past weeks, I've become extremely frustrated and angry.  The "radical Islamists" have become the single biggest threat to world peace since Hitler's Nazi's.  And they are worse than the Nazi's.  Which takes some doing.  (Nazi's "merely" exterminated Jews.  The Islamists want to exterminate everyone who does't believe exactly their own particular version of extreme religion.) I'm not a Muslim.  I'm probably not even a Christian when you get down to it.  I do believe in God, I suppose.  And I do believe that God certainly didn't intend for one group of believes to exterminate another simply because they have different beliefs. Parts of ...