Golang sync.Cond vs. Channel...
The backstory here is that mostly I love the Go programming language. But I've been very dismayed by certain statements from some of the core Go team members about topics that have significant ramification for my concurrent application design. Specifically, bold statements to the effect that " channels " are the way to write concurrent programs, and deemphasizing condition variables. (In one case, there is even a proposal to remove condition variables entirely from Go2!) The Go Position Essentially, the Go team believes very strongly in a design principle that can be stated thusly: " Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating." This design principle underlies the design of channels, which behave very much like UNIX pipes, although there are some very surprising semantics associated with channels, which I have found limiting over the years. More on that below. Certainly, if you can avoid having shared memory st...