I figured I better post this publicly. If you have a Ricoh SD controller (pci1180,522) then you don't want to use SDcard in OpenSolaris with it. You'll probably get panics, memory corruption, etc. There is a known bug -- CR 6797937 that tracks this issue. I've filed an RTI for this issue, and hope to have it pushed later today. You can review the diffs for this on this webrev , if you're so inclined. This is known to affect Toshiba Tecra M10, IBM T61, and probably a bunch of others besides. Sorry to those folks affected, we're trying to drive the fix for this out as quickly as possible. It should be in 109. Update (Feb 5, 8:19pm PST): The fix for this problem was just pushed into ON. It will be in tonight's nightly build.