
A number of the community leaders from the OpenSolaris community have been working quietly together on a new effort called Illumos, and we're just about ready to fully disclose our work to, and invite the general participation of, the general public.

We believe that everyone who is interested in OpenSolaris should be interested in what we have to say, and so we invite the entire OpenSolaris community to join us for a presentation on at 1PM EDT on August 3, 2010.

You can find out the full details of how to listen in to our conference, or attend in person (we will be announcing from New York City) by visiting (The final details shall be posted there not later than 1PM EDT Aug 1, 2010.)

We look forward to seeing you there!

- Garrett D'Amore & the rest of the Illumos Cast


Anonymous said…
Registered and bookmarked :)
Thanks for the information. So far one of the very rare sources on Illumos... registerd and bookmarked.

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