Rise of mangos

What is mangos?

Those of you who follow me may have heard about this project I've created called mangos.

Mangos is a lightweight messaging system designed to be wire compatible with nanomsg, but is implemented entirely in Go.

There is a very nice write up of mangos by Tyler Treat, which might help explain some things.

Recent Activity

As a consequence of a few things, the last two weeks has seen a substantial rise of use of mangos.

First off, there was Tyler's excellent article.  (By the way, he's done a series comparing and contrasting other messaging systems -- highly recommended reading.)

Second, mangos got mentioned on Hacker News.  That drew a large number visitors to my github repo.

Then another open source project, Goq, switched from using libnanomsg to mangos, using the compatibility shim I provided for such use.  As a consequence of that work, several bugs were identified, and subsequently squashed.

The upshot of all that is that I saw the number unique visitors sky rocket.  On Saturday Feb 7, there were over 2500 unique visitors to the github page, and 29 unique people took clones.  Sunday it tapered sharply to just over 1k visitors, and today there were only 7.  Peaks rarely get sharper than that.


Over the past week or so I've made a large number of changes and improvements.  Recently, mangos has grown support for RFC 6455 (websocket), including websocket over TLS, and has had numerous internal improvements.

Some of these changes have broken API.  If you use mangos, I'm sorry about the breakage -- please let me know if you're hurt by this.  (I have created tagged releases for v1.0.0 and v1.1.0 in an attempt to mitigate the risk, but tip still has some interesting changes in it.)

Unlike libnanomsg, mangos (tip only) can notify you when a connection is added or removed, and you can access interesting information about the connection.  This is in the Port API.


We are using mangos internally at Lucera, and I know now of several cases of production use.  This is kind of scary at one level, since I wrote this originally as a hobby project about a year ago (to learn Go.)  But it has become useful -- frankly extending mangos is far far more pleasurable than working in the C libnanomsg implementation -- a lot of this is thanks to Go which is utterly pleasurable to work in (no matter how bad the guts may be reputed to be).  Being able to write a new TLS transport, or even websocket, in the course of an afternoon or two (actually for TLS it was more like an hour), is really nice.

I'm hoping that more people will find it useful, and that folks who want to experiment with the underlying messaging patterns may find it easier to work with than the C code.  Ideally, there will be more collaborators here, as we start exploring new directions for this stuff.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue to work to improve and extend mangos, because its become one of the tools at my day job.  Its nice when work and pleasure come together!


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