Not All GigE Are Equal
As a consequence of work I've been doing lately since I joined Sun, I've learned some things that folks who care a great deal about performance might like to know. The most important of these is that not all gigabit cards are created equal. And even among those that are, some of them get preferential treatment at Sun. One surprise: the gigE device that gets the most preferential treatment is not a Sun branded NIC. In fact, its a device that you can readily find at your local computer retailer. I speak of bge. The bge (Broadcom) NIC has some very, very sophisticated logic on it, that Crossbow is going to be able to take advantage of to get you some very nice performance acceleration, plus some greatly added support for QoS and stack virtualization. If you're thinking about a NIC, my first choice would be a Broadcom NIC. The Cassini (Sun Gigaswift) has many of the same features, but costs more, and is harder to find. And, the Cassini isn't supported by some of the cr...