Another SDcard Status Update

Some of you may have been wondering about the work I've done for SDcard. Well, it looks like we have basic agreement at this point, and I am only waiting for the lawyers to draft the final text granting the approval, and then I'll be able to supply the bits publicly, as well as integrate them into OpenSolaris. I'm expecting that this could happen as soon as build 97. Stay tuned, and sorry for the delay.

(Internal folks can access bfu archives for Intel based system at /net/zcube.west/export/ws/sdcard/hg-x86/archives or for Tadpole SPARCLE /net/zcube.west/export/ws/sdcard/hg-sparc/archives. There's an internal webrev up as well at http://jurassic.sfbay/~gd78059/sdcard/ -- enjoy!)


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