New audioctl coming soon

I integrated a replacement for mixerctl (and also removed mixerctl) back in build 130. Well, build 130 is coming out really soon (I believe it is available internally in SXCE form now.)

I think therefore that it is time to provide more detail here about the new audioctl syntax:

audioctl - audio mixer control command line application


audioctl list-devices

audioctl show-device [-v] [-d device ]

audioctl show-control [-v] [-d device] [control ...]

audioctl set-control [-v] [-d device] control value

audioctl save-controls [-d device] [-f] file

audioctl load-controls [-d device] file

The audioctl command is used to control various features of
the audio mixer and to get information about the audio mixer
and the audio device.

The audioctl command operates on the following data types:

An audio device, such as "audiohd#0". The subcommands
that accept this do so as an argument to an option -d.
If not supplied, then the default audio device is assumed.
Any device node associated with an audio device will work
as well, such as /dev/sound/0, /dev/dsp1, or /dev/audio.

A mixer control name, such as "volume".

The value of a control. The specific format depends on
the type of control. Monophonic values usually use a single
whole number between 0 and 100, inclusive. Stereo values
use a pair of such numbers (representing right and left
channels.) Boolean values indicate either "on" or "off".
Enumerations take a single value of one or more names.

An ASCII text file of control settings.

Each subcommand has its own set of options that it takes.
However, some subcommands support the special flag -v, which
indicates a request for more verbose output.

The following subcommands are supported:

audioctl list-devices

List all the audio devices on the system.

audioctl show-device [-v] [-d device]

Display general information about a device.

audioctl show-control [-v] [-d device] [control ...]

Display the control setting values for the device. The named
controls are displayed. If no control names are provided, then
all control values are displayed.

audioctl set-control [-v] [-d device] control value

Changes the value of a control to the supplied value.

audioctl save-controls [-f] [-d device] file

Saves the current state of all mixer control values to the named
file. The command will abort safely if the file already exists,
unless -f is supplied.

audioctl load-controls [-d device] file

Restores previously saved state in the named file for all mixer

AUDIODEV If the -d and -a options are not specified, the
AUDIODEV environment variable is consulted. If
set, AUDIODEV contains the full path name of the
user's default audio device.

I expect there may be some questions or concerns about the new syntax. If they are not answered by the manual page above, please don't hesitate to ask me.


Binary Crusader said…
This looks great Garrett! I can't thank you enough for the incredible work you've done with getting a modern audio subsystem in Solaris.

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