Boomer: Next Generation Audio for Solaris
I've posted draft inception materials for our PSARC case, 2008/318, for Boomer. Boomer is the code name for the effort to integrate a modern OSS-compatible API, and additional drivers, into Solaris.
PSARC inception review for this case is scheduled for November 5, 2008. Please check the ARC web page for call in details (any engineer in the community may dial in.) Be advised that the meeting is an engineering meeting, though. (PSARC provides engineering architectural review for projects.)
We have a working prototype for most of the bits we are ARC'ing at this point, and I expect to be opening up the source code tree, and binary test bits, in the coming weeks. Perhaps by Thanksgiving.
PSARC inception review for this case is scheduled for November 5, 2008. Please check the ARC web page for call in details (any engineer in the community may dial in.) Be advised that the meeting is an engineering meeting, though. (PSARC provides engineering architectural review for projects.)
We have a working prototype for most of the bits we are ARC'ing at this point, and I expect to be opening up the source code tree, and binary test bits, in the coming weeks. Perhaps by Thanksgiving.
Any clues?